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The FASD Network is excited to announce that in 2024 the organization will launch a new program for youth who are impacted by FASD. We would like to thank Public Safety Canada for funding the "Family Connections Program."  It is the hope of the Network that this program will help individuals and their families to learn about the complexities of the disability, gain valuable life skills, and develop the ability to implement strategies that can assist them in day-to-day life.

Information about the program and how to access services is available below. If you have any questions or would like more information about programming available through the Network, please contact:

Donna Gilchrist, Programming Coordinator

call: 306-250-2941

Referral Form

Family Connections Program

This 8-week program focuses on fostering positive changes for youth with FASD who have involvement with the justice system. The program includes direct case management services as well as weekly sessions for the family intended to facilitate skill development and family connection for at-risk youth. 

The “Family Connections Program” runs for 8 week sessions, with support services available while families wait for their sessions to begin. It is a voluntary program with no cost to participate. The program is open to participants who are:

  • Families with youth (ages 12 -18) who is suspected to be impacted by FASD 

  • The youth has involvement with the justice system

Program Details
  • 8 week program duration

  • Weekly sessions held on Monday evenings

  • 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

  • Family supper will be provided each week

  • Program operates in both Saskatoon & Regina

  • There is no cost to access the program or support services

  • Each weekly session will involve the entire immediate family including caregivers and siblings

  • The program will conclude with a graduation ceremony for the families 

Barrier-Free Accessibility

The Network believes in the importance of reducing any barriers that may prevent families from accessing the program. To increase the accessibility of the program it will include the following:

  • No diagnosis required

  • All family members involved

  • On-site childcare available

  • Transportation vouchers provided

  • Family meal included

  • Program worker assigned to assist each family during the program

  • Support workers available for case management after the program ends

Upcoming Sessions:

Group 4

Session Intake Deadline: September 2, 2024

Schedule: September 9, 2024 to October 28, 2024

Group 5

Session Intake Deadline: November 11, 2024

Schedule: November 18, 2024 to January 20, 2025

Accessing the Program

To access the program contact the Network or download a referral form and send it to:

Donna Gilchrist

call: 306-250-2941

fax: 306-975-0853

Contact the FASD Network
for support

Tel: 1-866-673-3276

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